Float Centre float chambers


No gravity, no stress.

What is floating?

Floating therapy is simply floating on water in special chambers containing large amounts of Epsom salts. This provides buoyancy and supports the body to achieve the deepest known form of relaxation.

Floating price


60 min float................ 55 €
90 minutes of floating................ 65 €
More information by e-mail


 60 min Float................ 99 €
 90 min Float................ 118 €

We also offer longer floating therapies - 2h, 3h. Please contact us for the price of floating.
🕔 Open daily from 10:00 to 22:00.

Discover the secrets of relaxation

Benefits of floating



Physical floating helps relieve muscle pain, relaxes the nervous system, prevents hardening of the arteries, draws toxins and heavy metals out of the body and reduces internal and external inflammation.



Floating can help you to leave the awareness of your body and slowly move into a calming meditative state, which becomes the perfect gateway to a deeper spiritual experience.



By relieving stress and allowing your mind to focus inwards, you can gain the strength to overcome addictions, anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.

Our mission

At Float Centre Ljubljana, we want to provide an unforgettable relaxation experience. Allow your body, mind and spirit to be overwhelmed by a feeling of complete weightlessness. Our state-of-the-art float chambers are designed to allow you to let go of everyday stress and simply relax. Book your first floating experience today and feel what it's like to float in space.


Your journey of relaxation starts here


Is the water clean?

The high concentration of Epsom salts dissolved in the water also acts as a natural disinfectant, creating a sterile environment in which bacteria simply cannot survive (just like in the Dead Sea).

In addition, our advanced filtration system combined with chamber cleaning after each use ensures 100% clean water for our visitors. At the end of each use, water is pumped from the chambers into the tanks through filters. The inside of the chambers are then thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the next use. The water is passed through all the filters 2-3 more times before it flows back into the chamber, where it is ready to be used again.

What if I fall asleep?

Falling asleep while floating is actually quite nice. It's usually the case that every float is a little different - it all depends on how you're feeling at the time. The water is warm, it's dark and pleasant. If you arrive at a floating session tired, you may well find yourself dozing off for a while. No fear - sleep like this is very restorative and peaceful. Usually the body wakes up on its own after about 10-20min (the length of a "power nap"). You usually wake up quite calm and beautiful. However, if you "twitch" in your sleep, you may wake up jolting and get some salt water on your face, which is a bit unpleasant. It is washed off with a spray of clean water, which is placed inside the float chamber for this very purpose.

In the extreme case, you will wake up at the end of the session. First there's 5min of calm music that brings you nicely into the here and now, then a voice announces that the session is over, and then the system starts pumping water back into the tanks.

Are the positive effects of floating therapy scientifically proven?

Floating therapy and floating chambers have been around for more than 50 years. There is a wealth of scientific research that has been published to date, confirming the positive effects of floating. Books describing the positive effects include "The Book of Floating" by Michael Hutchison and "Tanks For The Memories" and "The Deep Self" by John C. Lilly, a pioneer of floating, psychoanalyst and expert in experimental neuropsychology, who developed the first floating chamber in 1950.

I'm claustrophobic, can I float?

The whole environment in the flotation room, where the chamber is located, is designed to give you constant control over what's going on. If you feel uncomfortable, you can lift the lid of the chamber, turn on the lights inside the chamber, or even get out. The latter is very rare, as floating on water reduces claustrophobia and can eliminate fear of confined spaces.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

At Float Centre Ljubljana, we have towels, slippers, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, hair dryer, make-up remover, earplugs, basic cosmetics (face cream and deodorant) and Vaseline in case of abrasions or scratches.

You can bring any other cosmetics you wish to use after the floatation therapy, if necessary.

Based on 91 reviews
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Aljon Kerec
08:22 22 Jul 24
Maja Burja
12:31 21 Jul 24
Katja Lorbek
07:28 19 Jul 24
Zelo sem uživala, bilo je sproščujoče in mirno. Vzela sem si lahko čas in odklopila za par ur. Res ful dobra izkušnja in še pridem nazaj
Zdenka Seset
04:24 18 Jul 24
Zelo priporočam za vse ki potrebujejo kakeršnokoli sprostitev…vsak strah je odveč kajti voda te dejansko drži gor..Zelo prijazno osebje,ki ti da vse napotke.Ambient tudi naredi svoje…Tako ,da zelo priporočam.Vsekakor se še vrnem….
karmen golhleb žerjav
17:03 16 Jul 24
Krasna, prav posebna izkušnja.Lebdeti in odklopiti misli, spočiti um in telo. V teh časih neprecenljivo.Prijazen in strokoven sprejem.Vredno ponovnega obiska🤗
Boris Ulčar (MALIBU)
12:46 11 Jul 24
FLOAT CENTER LJUBLJNA ponuja izjemno izkušnjo lebdenja na vodi.Ob vstopu v prostore sem občutil pomiritev in prijetno energijo. Osebje je izjemno prijazno in pozorno, saj mi je podrobno razložilo postopek.Sama terapija poteka v posebnih komorah, napolnjenih s slanico, ki omogoča lebdenje. Voda vsebuje visoko koncentracijo mineralno bogate Epsom soli, ki ima številne koristne učinke. Med terapijo sem se počutila izjemno sproščeno, umirjeno in spočito. Floating terapija je odlična za regeneracijo telesa, umski počitek in celostno sprostitev.Na koncu terapije sem prejel v Chill sobi še prijetno presenečenje: piškot, čaj in vodo. Ušesne čepke,ki sem jih uporabljal med terapijo, sem tudi lahko odnesel (bojo danes prav prišli v novem domačem bazenu). To je zagotovo ena izmed najbolj prijetnih in sproščujočih izkušenj, ki sem jih doživel. Priporočam jo vsem, ki si želijo pobegniti od vsakodnevnega stresa in se popolnoma sprostiti.Hkrati pa je to tudi odlična priložnost za vizualizacijo in sprostitev mišic po treningu. Jaz sem našel svoj mir in sprostitev. Ga boste tudi Vi?
Manja Pečenko
19:21 24 May 24
The closest feeling to floating in Space…top team, cudoviti prostori s kotičkom za počitek z najboljšim čajem, kot da bi zbežal pred vsem zunaj. Vse pohvale teamu za organizacijo, trud ter topel pristop kjer se takoj počutiš kot doma. Floating pa je The one and only experiance, ki se ne da opisat z besedami…enostavno je treba probat.Hvala vam za regenaracijo uma in telesa🙏 se vrnem asap 😌
Mojca Budihna
18:08 06 May 24
Izredno prijetno osebje. Prostori polno pozitivne in lepe energije. Sama izkušnja lebedenja je prijetna in res sproščujoča. Lebdenje je trajalo 60 min in vmes sem malo zadremala, tako da mi je kar hitro minilo. Po lebdenju priporočam zaključiti v sobi za počitek, kjer lahko ob prijetnih zvokih umirjene glasbe, srebaš dober čaj v res lepih skodelicah. Ker je bilo pozno, si s prijateljem daljšega počitka nisva privoščila, vendar naslednjič zagotovo….tudi daljše lebdenje.Priporočam. Predvsem po napornih dnevih….lahko pa tudi po nenapornih dnevih…kadarkoli :-)….
Urška Valenčak
12:26 01 May 24
Odlična zen izkušnja sredi nakupovalnega vrveža Ljubljane 🧘🏽‍♀️ Kljub dvomom, zaradi bučne lokacije, se ne sliši absolutno nič in je Theta stanje res enostavno dosegljivo 😊 Parkirnini se lahko izognete z obiskom kavarnice levo od vhoda v stavbo.
Nina Belingar
11:19 29 Apr 24
Raj za utrujene (in za tiste ki se hočejo mentalno pripraviti na guzvo v Ikei :)). Bila sem prvič, zato sem se bolj spoznavala z komoro, se malo poganjala gor in dol po vodi (sem majhna) in uživala z občutku breztežnosti. V bistvu….komaj čakam da grem st, ker se po tej izkušnji počutim super:)Fajn pa si je vzet kar malček več časa kot eno uro. Računajte da je floating celih 60 min. Potem pa še tuš, oblačenje, fenanje, in da spijete ful okusen čaj v res fenomenalno lepi sobi za oddih. Plus točke za projekcijo na steni 😍 se vidimo