What is floating?

Floating or floating in the chamber is a type of floating therapy on water that allows complete relaxation of the body and mind. In the darkness and silence, you float in pleasantly warm water that contains large amounts of Epsom salt. This provides buoyancy and supports the body and spirit to achieve the deepest form of mental and physical relaxation.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, the easiest way to show floating therapy is just like this:

TEDx on floating.

Take 17 minutes to watch this TED video. Dr. Justin Feinstein, a clinical neuropsychologist, talks about floating, how it was developed, and how it can all help.

If you prefer to read, we add a descriptive explanation of floating in the chamber.

Inside the hovering chamber is 350 kg of specially formulated magnesium salt, added to 700 liters of water, which creates a solution about 30 cm deep, which is heated to 35.5 degrees C (skin temperature).

The temperature of the water makes it almost impossible to distinguish between parts of the body that are in contact with water and those that are not.

The buoyancy created by the thick solution of Epsom salt effectively nullifies the effects of gravity on the body and brings the individual closer to the experience of complete weightlessness. This is the only situation, with the exception of astronauts, when so little gravity acts on the body.

With earplugs inserted and, if you will, with the interior lights off in the como, silence and darkness allow the mind to wander into the deepest possible state of relaxation.

In everyday life, a huge amount of brain power is expended every second to cope with the load that gravity puts on the body. Now floating weightlessly, your body is perfectly supported by a cushion of silky liquid with the temperature of your skin.

Freed from all sensations of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound (which together account for 90% of normal neuromuscular activity), you conserve and redirect enormous amounts of natural physical and mental energy.

Extremely deep relaxation of floating “resets” the hormonal and metabolic balance of the body, strengthens immunity and accelerates recovery from the consequences of stress, illness, injury or strenuous exercise.

Since there is no need to send any commands, the logical side of the brain is redundant and its activity slows down until it synchronizes with the creative side. This leaves the individual in a dream-like state, similar to the thoughts you experience just before going to bed. In this state, the brain releases large amounts of endorphins.

Although the state of relaxation due to float therapy can be very deep, the individual’s brain remains dreamily alert. From its usual waking beta state, the brain gradually begins to generate deep alpha, theta, or even delta waves, and  gradually pass into a state of mind that Buddhist monks try to achieve through hours of meditation and years of training. You can achieve this in a few minutes just by lying down in the silky warm sea of bliss that is the experience of floating in our floating chamber!